
5 Secrets To Look 10 Years Younger | Anti-Aging Tips | Keep Your Youthful Looks & Slow Down Aging Process/Look Smart As Compare To Age

You’re 55.
Recently laid off.

Not quite old enough to retire.
Now you have to restart your career…which means?

Unfortunately, ageism is a real thing. 
Legally, they can’t ask your age.
But what are they looking at?
How old you look.  
If you’ll be healthy enough to work long term. 
Looking older than your age can not only affect your confidence but your livelihood too. 
You can’t stop the aging process. The good news is that you can slow it down.
Below, I share 5 secrets that have kept me looking much younger than my calendar age.

1) Live With Purpose

Looking younger starts from the inside out.

A key ingredient in the recipe for healthy aging is the continuing ability to find purpose and meaning and in life. Often, the most meaning we get in our lives is from important relationships, professional success and positively impacting the lives of others. Our purpose is shaped by the factors that are important to us.
Viktor Frankl’s landmark book, Man’s Search For Meaning, describes how even in Nazi concentration camps, those who had a sense of meaning and purpose attached to their lives were able to cope better.
Over time, you gradually lose the capacity to engage in the activities that previously occupied your time and gave your life purpose. Your job situation may change or you may be close to retiring from your career. A divorce may force you to re-enter the dating field. Your children may leave home, or you may move far from friends and family.
At 40, some men look like their life has effectively ended.
We are going to live longer than any generation before us. At 40, you’re probably at the mid-way point. You’ve got time. Get excited about all you’ve accomplished and everything great that has yet to come.
Living with a purpose gives your life direction.
Have something to look forward to. Invest in your passions and set yourself new goals

2) Take Care Of Your Skin

The first thing people notice is your face.
How do you get your face to glow? By protecting your skin with the right products.
When shopping for skin care products, there are three powerful ingredients you should look for to maintain youthful-looking skin.

  1. Start using an exfoliator to remove the top layer of dead skin cells.
  2. Use products containing antioxidants and retinoids which increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen renewal.
  3. Apply sunscreen to prevent long-term skin damage.

  1.  Use a micro abrasion tool.
Gently exfoliating your face removes the dead, dull cells on the surface of your skin. New cell growth is stimulated by removing this dead skin cell barrier, revealing younger and rejuvenated skin.
The cost of professional microabrasion treatment is roughly $200/ session.  You will need 3-5 treatments to bring your skin back to its natural elasticity. That’s a total of around $1000.
The alternative is a DIY kit that you can use regularly at home for about 1/10 the price. You will see improvements within a month.
Use a product like the PMD Man weekly to regenerate and renew the skin, training it to become more youthful, vibrant and revitalized
Like anything you try,  it’s important to follow the instructions carefully.  There is a wrong way to use this tool.  But there’s also a wrong way to shave too. We put blades to our necks a few times a week, but we’re comfortable because we practiced and have mastered how to use it.  The same idea applies to DIY microdermabrasion.
I had my local esthetician test this product and give me the green light for effectiveness. It’s been helping remove dead skin cells and scarring and also promote new skin cell growth. Combined with other healthy lifestyle habits and daily skincare this will definitely help slow the aging process down. 
2. Make sure you use an anti-aging cream or moisturizer
Skin starts to look aged and damaged because of oxidation – a process that releases stress into your skin.
Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and retinol (Vitamin A compound) aid in the production of collagen, a substance that increases the elasticity of your skin and makes it look supple. When applied topically in the form of a moisturizer, these antioxidants reduce the harmful effects of free radicals and leave you with firmer, youthful skin.

3. Sunscreen in your lotion.
Everyone knows the harmful effects of direct and prolonged sun exposure. It’s not a secret. If you choose to ignore it, you’re trading in a nice sun-kissed glow now for looking like a wrinkled-up paper bag in your later years.
Purchase aftershave lotion with an SPF and use it on your whole face. UV rays over time cause a lot of wrinkling and this contributes to hands and faces becoming more wrinkled than the rest of our bodies.
You may think sunscreen is unmanly. You won’t think the same of skin cancer. Protect your skin against aging and cancer by using a sunscreen with an appropriate protection factor.

3) Throw Out Poorly Fitting Clothing

Men over the age of 30 are not restricted financially in making poor wardrobe choices. Get rid of clothes you don’t wear anymore. Only keep clothes you love. And invest in clothes that will build your confidence.

Make sure you absolutely love every item of clothing in your wardrobe. If you have clothes in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in over a year, then you should probably consider donating them to charity. They either fit poorly or are an outdated style.
Wearing clothes that flatter your body type can instantly make you look slimmer, stylish and younger.
You won’t look any younger if you dress like a person half your age. In fact, you will likely look even older by dressing like a teenager. Instead, focus on clothing that is right for you.

4) Take Care Of Your Teeth

Teeth can give away your real age more than any other part of your body. Maintain healthy teeth. Brushing twice a day, using a mouthwash and flossing should all be a part of your daily tooth care routine.

Healthy, white teeth can instantly make you look younger and more attractive.
Neglected teeth, on the other hand, can lead to gum disease and gingivitis. Additionally, bad teeth can have a significant negative impact on your confidence.
When you meet a woman who shows interest in you, be assured that she is paying attention to your mouth and teeth. She is more than likely wondering if you are kissable. 
Visit a dentist once every 6 months. If your teeth aren’t white enough, you could opt for professional whitening. Over the counter whitening products can also be effective.
If you are losing your teeth – consider veneers. These are permanent and can fix dental flaws beyond color, such as shortened or worn down teeth. The effect can take years off your appearance. It’s a big investment, but it can boost your confidence.

5) Experiment With New Colors

As your hair and skin starts to change color, you have more options to be adventurous with color in your clothes.

Understand that the colors that didn’t look good on in you in your 20s may look great on you in your 50s. Now is the time to experiment with new colors.
For example, wearing black can be stylish but an all-black ensemble can make the facial lines and dark circles under the eyes even more pronounced. Darker colors may be slimming but they also make you look older than you really are.
Wear bright colors instead to convey a sense of youth and vibrancy. Spice up your wardrobe with green, red and yellow to appear more energetic and bold.
You don’t have to cover yourself in rainbow colors from head to toe. Just adding a dash of color to a muted outfit can change the effect it has on an observer. Draw their eye to your face with a brightly colored scarf, necktie or pocket square.

BONUS – Other Aspects That Promote Younger Looking Skin

  • Exercise regularly – Your body should look in great shape. Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Eat healthily – Eat plenty of vegetables and cut down on sugar. Boosting collagen and elastin production. Ingesting high-quality proteins, zinc complex, brazil nuts, foods rich in coenzyme q10 and vitamin C helps.
  • Reduce stress – If you can minimize and manage your stress and adopt a positive attitude, you’ll feel healthier and look better too.
  • Don’t smoke. A single puff of cigarette smoke emits approximately 40,000 free radicals. These free radicals accelerate the aging process by depleting the body of Vitamin C.
  • Drink in moderation – Unless you’re drinking water, which you will need to consume in copious amounts.
  • Get plenty of rest – During sleep our bodies have a chance to heal and rejuvenate, so those seven to nine hours a night are really important.
  • Regular healthy checkups – See a doctor regularly and do all your preventative health screening.

These routines add a few minutes to your day but will shave years off your appearance.
Take action if you need help with skin care. Dispel your doubts that taking care of your appearance makes you less of a man.
Real men understand that by taking care of themselves, they are better positioned to help others and create a bigger impact on this world.

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