
Get Rid of Stinky Balls | Preventing Swamp Crotch | 3 Tips For Sweaty Butt Relief

It’s gameday!
long and HOT one.
3-hour drive to your alma mater town.
Tailgating. Football game (which they lost).
Then post game drinks at the bar.
But then… you meet that cute girl.
The last thing you want is the self-consciousness of sweaty balls and stinky butt.
You might get lucky and you don’t want to worry if everything is all good down there.
The truth is, men have been told for years to use baby powder or medicated powder to help keep our manly parts fresh.
But that’s not a foolproof method. If you’re a guy who sweats a river down there, then normal powders turn into paste!
I’m from central Texas, so I understand what heat can do for the southern regions of a man.
This article will discuss how to get rid of sweaty balls & the three ingredients to avoid when choosing a Ball Powder.

What Causes Swamp Crotch Odor?

Let’s first understand what happens down there when the odor starts.
Kelley Pagliai Redbord, M.D., a dermatologist at George Washington University goes on record saying “sweat and moisture mix with the natural bacteria on your skin to cause body odor.
It’s not surprising that a man’s groin is the ideal incubator for unpleasant smells. It’s hot and humid down there and junior is tucked away underneath layers of clothing. The chances of an odor being there are very strong.
There are many powders on the market that will help with this issue. The problem with them is the ingredients.
I personally tested 12 different powders over a period of 24 days. This was not a scientific study. I just tried them on a few times day to get a feel for their performance. There were 3 specific things that I was looking for during this process.

#1. Ball Powder Ingredient To Avoid – Talc

Talc is a mineral that is mainly made up of the elements magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. It absorbs moisture well and helps cut down on friction when in powder form (talcum powder). This makes it useful for keeping skin dry and helping to prevent rashes. It’s arguably the most common ingredient in body powders. There is a consideration to note about talc.
Talc in its natural form has asbestos which is a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Since the 1970’s all talcum-based products have been asbestos-free per governmental regulations.  I note this fact because you want to do your homework to make sure that the products you use are in fact asbestos fee. Unfortunately cutting corners sometimes is not an uncommon reality in business.
The studies on asbestos free talcum powders are inconclusive. It has been suggested that there is a link between ovarian cancer if talc were to travel through the vagina to the ovary. Some have reported a slightly increased risk and others reported no increased risk. The International Agency for Research on Cancer states that talc-based body powder used in the genital is “possibly carcinogenic to humans.”
Why take the chance is the point. If are using talcum powder to stay dry and control odor and there are some powder particles on you when you’re getting intimate with you wife or girlfriend, you could be putting them at risk. Is it really worth it? I know that I don’t want potential cancer causing agent near my “boys”.
Right off the bat this pending danger is enough for me to get rid of 7 out of the 12 powders that I tested because they contain talcum  powder.

#2. Ball Powder Ingredient To Avoid – Menthol

Menthol is an organic compound made from mint and/or mint oils that are mixed with acidic compounds (salicylic acid). These ingredients form a combination that provides that cooling sensation in body powders. A bottle that says medicated is an indication that menthol is there.
This compound can be problematic for a lot of men who have
  • Sensitive skin
  • Use larger doses because they sweat heavily
  • Use it for long periods of time before they can bathe

There have been reports of discoloration, stinging, and burning as a result of using mentholated and/or medicated powders. OUCH! Many guys also report that they don’t want their testicles to smell like a cool mint. They are more concerned with their balls being
  • Non-irritated
  • Sweat free
  • Without odor
As a result, another powder was eliminated and that left 3 powders. Of those three powders, I eliminated 2 more based on their fragrance. They were talc free and didn’t have any menthol – but they weren’t designed for men. These were mild baby powders and they smelled like them too. No grown man wants to smell like a child.
What was left standing was Chassis Premium Powder. This product is specifically designed for men and works to eliminate swamp crotch and butt odor. Chassis is formulated to meet the performance needs of a man’s pH and body chemistry.
A study that was conducted at Osaka International University and Kobe University in Japan was published in Experimental Physiology and found that men and women sweat differently.  4 groups (2 groups of men and 2 groups of women) were given at the same timed test to produce sweat.
Out of all the groups tested, the men perspired the most. This suggests that a man’s body temperature warms up faster to produce the sweat that’s needed to keep him cool. Since this is the case, body products would have to be specifically engineered to combat the rate and strength at which a man’s body heats up.
I found out and experienced the following after using Chassis:
  • Hydrophobic – it repels water (sweat) and doesn’t turn to paste
  • Designed specifically for men to prevent chafing and eliminate odor
  • Able to provide cool soothing relief without menthols or talc
  • Made with natural ingredients to minimize side effects
  • Great for sensitive skin
  • Has a clean/fresh scent without the medicated or baby smell
  • Finely ground powder that will have minimal clumping
  • Doesn’t leave a cloudy residue on your clothing
  • Long lasting and able to withstand the friction and heat that’s produced from movement.

#3 Ball Powder Ingredient To Avoid – Aluminum

Aluminum is found in deodorants and antiperspirants. Its purpose is to clog up the pores of your skin in an effort to prevent you from sweating. I mention using antiperspirants because some guys will actually use a stick of deodorant to help with the odor and sweat in the nether regions.
While preventing the discomfort from sweating is an understandable goal, your body simply needs to breathe, especially around the critical glands in your groin area.
Additionally, there are risks associated with aluminum. It has been associated with:
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Bone Disorders
  • Kidney Problems
  • Skin rashes – click here to see a study on aluminum and skin rashes by the National Institute of Health
Whether you have an active lifestyle like that of a personal trainer or you’re just a guy that perspires a lot, swamp crotch is a valid concern. The important thing is to use a product that has been created specifically for men and can combat a guy’s sweaty balls and butt. The product should be safe, have great performance in that it combats sweat and odor, and should not be overly scented.

Full Ranking For Ball Powders:

  1. Chassis (Talc, Menthol, Aluminum FREE) – WINNER!
  2. Burt’s Bees Dusting Powder (Talc & Menthol Free)
  3. Nature’s Baby Organics Powder (Talc & Menthol Free – For Baby’s)
  4. Fromonda Cool Mint (Talc Free & Contains 0.01% Menthol in some products)
  5. Grooming Lounge Super Powder (Contains Talc)
  6. Monkey Butt (Contains Talc)
  7. Imperial Lather (Contains Talc)
  8. Balla Powder (Contains Talc)
  9. Johnson’s Baby Powder (Contains Talc)
  10. Pinaud Clubman (Contains Talc)
  11. Silver Cup (Contains Talc)
  12. Goldbond Baby Powder (Contains Talc & Menthol).

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