
5 Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle and Having a Healthy Start to the Day

How do you Live a Healthy Lifestyle?

Simple, by following these 5 expert-backed tips for starting a healthy lifestyle which will ensure that you start the morning right!
  1. Start your day with a glass of water
  2. Consume your breakfast within an hour of waking up. Ensure it is high in protein.
  3. Make time for a morning exercise routine
  4. Never skip any food group. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  5. Eat healthy snacks every 2-3 hours a day.

Why is it Important to Have a Healthy Lifestyle?

Concerted efforts to inculcate healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent life-long lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments among many. A healthy lifestyle can help manage an already existing condition well too! So inculcating a few healthy lifestyle tips can go a long way in improving your overall health and mental well-being.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Start your Day for Good Health

Healthy Lifestyle Tip no. 1: Start the day with a glass of water.

Healthy lifestyle tips
Drink water as part of a healthy morning routine
This should be a default morning routine for a healthy lifestyle. Water gives you a healthy start because it helps in proper circulation of nutrients in the body. Water serves as the body’s transportation system.

Helps in weight loss

Let us tell you that water doesn’t have some magical property that kills fat (sorry!), but it can help you with your weight loss efforts (hooray!). First off, by staying hydrated, one can prevent overeating. That is because a lot of people confuse thirst for hunger! Isn’t drinking water better than eating high energy foods?

Flushes out toxins early on

It is a long known secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything is a good way to purify your internal system. This practice helps to flush off the toxins from our body and cleanses the colon thus it enables better absorption of nutrients from various foods.

Drink water as a morning routine if you want glowing skin throughout the day

Water, the first thing in the morning, helps improve the skin glow by flushing off the toxins from the body. It also helps the skin do its job of regulating the body’s temperature through sweating, renewing the body cells.

If you are bored of drinking plain water, you can add a dash of lemon. The benefits of lemon water in the morning is it helps in detoxification and tastes good. Remember not to add sugar! Need more reasons to drink more water? Read on this blog about a recent study on drinking water.
“The Truweight healthy start tip: After 20 minutes of drinking water take some healthy food like nuts, fruit etc.”

Healthy Lifestyle Tip no. 2: Consume a healthy breakfast within the first hour of waking up

Healthy Breakfast Tips
Consume a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up
Best time to have breakfast: The optimum time to have breakfast is 7 am, or within the first hour of waking up.
Qualities of the breakfast: Always breakfast should be healthier, heavier, and eaten at earliest. Almost 60% of our total calories should come from our breakfast.
Start the breakfast with:  A fresh fruit or vegetable juice after a glass of water is advisable. If you plan to consume both, you could do so. It is a nutritional double whammy. Eating fruits, the first thing in the morning, after a glass of water is highly advisable. That is because fruits may not be digested and absorbed properly if eaten right after a meal. Eating fruits/ drinking vegetable juice early on could also reduce the number of carbs consumed in breakfast.
Follow up breakfast with: You can then add protein-rich items like egg or sprouts. Studies show that including eggs in breakfast can help you eat fewer calories for the next 3 hours. Which translates to losing more weight and body fat. If you can’t or don’t eat eggs for some reason, then any source of good quality protein should do the trick.
Some breakfast suggestions:  After a protein-rich food, you can consume regular breakfast items consisting of complex carbs or healthy carbs such as pesarattu (moong dal chilla)/ idly/ wheat vegetable upma/ vegetable dosa/ red poha with vegetables etc. If you are the breakfast cereal kinds, we have the harsh truth about how healthy is your breakfast cereal right here in this blog.
“The Truweight healthy start tip: After breakfast, take 2 hours before you drink or eat anything.”

Healthy Lifestyle Tip no. 3: Make some time for a morning exercise routine

Exercise for Healthy Life
15 minutes of morning exercise routine is important
We know morning could be a hectic time but try taking time out for at least 15 minutes of morning exercise for weight loss. It could something simple like spot jogging, planks, squats, or even a few Surya Namaskars. Try doing it every alternate day until it becomes you have a daily morning exercise charted out. Here are 13 awesome walking exercises with 5 of them demonstrated for all of you.
What is a healthy living?
Confused with leading a healthy lifestyle and healthy living? Healthy living is a state in which you are mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Guess what, leading a healthy lifestyle is the first step towards a healthy living!

Healthy Lifestyle Tip no. 4: Never skip any nutrient group throughout the day

Balanced Healthy Diet
A balanced healthy daily diet will keep you healthy
Carbohydrates are all about energy and are found in foods like fruits, grains, bread, and dairy products. They have wrongly implicated because they provide energy but they also provide both minerals and vitamins. Hence, we should not avoid this food group as a part of a healthy daily diet. We also tell you why you shouldn’t count calories for weight loss or otherwise.
What happens when you completely skip carbohydrates? If you stop eating carbohydrate, you rapidly lose water weight as your body breaks down the stored carbohydrates,” explains Darwin Deen, MD, Senior attending physician at Montefiore Medical Centre’s Department of Family and Social Medicine in the Bronx, New York. ” The problem is that a low-carbohydrate diet is not a normal balance of physiologic nutrition. As soon as you start eating carbohydrates again, your body replenished your carbohydrate stores and your weight comes back. So it is always advisable to have everything as per the required allowance.”
Consume more of fruits and vegetables: Aim to reach at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day because that is the recommended amount to keep lifestyle diseases at bay.

Healthy Lifestyle Tip no. 5: Consume healthy snacks every 2-3 hours

You may have a healthy diet plan but as long as you don’t account for snacks, you may fail at leading a healthy lifestyle. How to counter this? Always have healthy, non-fried but baked snacks handy. If possible, you can make some yourself at home! That will prevent unnecessary snacking.

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